Amazing Halftone Pattern Effect — Photoshop Tutorial

Amazing Halftone Pattern Effect — Photoshop Tutorial
Halftones are collections of dots that appear to merge into shades between the color of the dots and the background. They were first used for printing to allow newspapers to show shades of grey, and have been popular ever since. Now, halftones are often used for creating screen-printed projects, T-shirts, stickers and posters. So in this tutorial we'll see how to use this halftone pattern to bring a retro feel an image. By applying the Halftone filter in Adobe Photoshop to the image then we'll add a texture to give it a cool stylish results.
Thanks to Mo-01 for the image.

Amazing Halftone Pattern Effect — Photoshop Tutorial
NOTE: The stock photo provided here is to be used for this tutorial only, you need to read the rules from the owner of this photo to use it : Mo-01